Buffalo Cursillo
What is the meaning of the word Cursillo?
Cursillo (pronounced Kur-see'-oh) means "little course" in the fundamental teachings of Jesus; as it is lived by Christians. It is Spanish since it was founded in Spain by Eduardo Bonnin. The goal of the Cursillo Movement is to make Christ the prime influence in today's society. The Cursillo is often described as a retreat; however, it differs from the typical silent retreat. While there is some quiet time and considerable time for prayer, there is more time for discussion with your peers than in most retreats. The three day course begins on Thursday evening and ends on Sunday afternoon. It is conducted by a team of laypersons, priests, deacons and religious. Cursillo is best described as an experience of living in a Christian community. The experience of Cursillo enables one to sense more vividly the enthusiasm of the first Century Church as described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:44-47: They devoted themselves to the Apostles" instruction and the communal life, to the breaking of the bread praising God and winning approval of all the people. Day by day the Lord added to their number.